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It crashes for some reason..

(1 edit) (+1)

I'd like whatever you are having to have all the energy to animate this, because damn, that's clean.

Looks pretty promising so far. I do hope the full version uses 32`s amnesia for some good ol' mind-screw moments.


If there really is frame-by-frame animation, then this is very bold. As a solo developer, you don't take the easy way out, but I'll definitely be keeping an eye on the development. I liked the game menu, I already want to see the finished version of this.

The only thing that confuses me is why the main character doesn’t want to go to the toilet after waking up? :\


Games like this never bores me. It may looks simplistic as a side-scroller but honestly it's a nice break from all the fast-paced games with extreme movements and choppy actions. 

Overall, I really enjoy the art direction and the animation is really cute. I love the interactivity of the game and I'm happy I'm not gonna just click on dialogue buttons to progress the story.

Please tell me it's gonna have at least 10 different endings based on the choices and the objects interacted/collected throughout each playthrough!


beauty prototype


Nice Animation Design.